© 2024 Gospel Mission Network
This material should be considered protected under Federal Copyright law. No part of this work may be reproduced by any means, used in a storage retrieval system, posted on the internet, transmitted, or otherwise copied without the prior written permission of the Gospel Mission Network.
Gospel Mission Network may use these materials and all other formally approved ministries to build the Body of Christ into the unity and fullness of Jesus Christ so long as the document is utilized with integrity and remains intact, whole, and original.
For more information about this course, e-mail [email protected].
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Bible (NKJV)-The Holy Bible, New King James Version Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., The New King James Bible, New Testament Copyright © 1979 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
(201)-355-3225 www.gospelmissionnetwork.org
Welcome to this Gospel Mission Training Resource, a production of the Gospel Mission Network. Our purpose is to accomplish Jesus' Great Commission. This means our ministry is focused on making disciples, planting churches, and developing leaders! Please direct any feedback or questions to [email protected]. We are excited about the blessing and growth you will experience studying God's Word!
We thank God for sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to be the sacrifice for our sins. (See John 3:16) We thank Jesus for willingly laying down His life (see John 10:18), and we thank Jesus for sending the Holy Spirit to be our comforter, guide, and teacher! (see John 16:13)
We thank and acknowledge BILD International for their mentoring and contribution to the study process contained in this material. Their support and partnership have been invaluable.
Studying the Bible is life-changing! There's no other way to say it! The Bible reveals God's heart, mind, and wisdom. It is our daily bread, and it releases the love of God Himself. The Bible has been given so we may receive truth and experience its power daily.
The Bible explicitly teaches that the Word of God was with God and is God according to John 1:1-2. How could this be? It's because God and His Word are one! This means that each time we study and receive the Word of God, we are studying and receiving God! There is nothing more thrilling than getting to know God Himself!
The following things will help you get the most out of studying and receiving God's Word.
No matter what learning methods are used when studying God’s Word, we must depend on the Holy Spirit to teach. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and the third Person of the Triune God. (See John 14:15-17; 16:14). We are under His authority, and He leads and guides us into all truth. (See John 16:13)